Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween in Pfukoni

My first Halloween not in the United States of America, I spent teaching my Grade R-3 students how to make masks.  We had a brief talk about ghosts and I put on a towel over my head.  My teacher stopped me.  I switched gears and talked about Ben 10 and Spiderman costumes.  After class, she told me that in the Venda culture, ghosts are a real thing and not something people would dress up as.  Noted.

I took the pictures with my phone.  Live and learn.

Next year, I hope to set up real Trick-O-Treatin'.  Yeah?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sean,

    Did you get my letter w/the pix in it? Did you kids like it? Leaves have changed almost gone now. Jersey & PA has a huge snow storm last weekend 10 - 24 inches it was a mess. OK here. No kids for Halloween....not even one. Yeah, I knew about how they felt in Africa about the supernatural..voodoo is alive and well over there. Got a new roommate. Tony moved out and a 60 year old named Cary moved in. He seems very nice. I got a job working p/t at Metro Center as a receptionist. Close to home not bad money either. I sold my truck and got a Toyota's nice but I miss my truck. Joined the adventist church last week and taking a lot of class over there too. Nancy #2 retired and had a party at her house on Friday night...great time was had by all. The place was FULL. She told me to say hello to you. I hope you get this. My computer was hacked and I now have a new email address. It's the same as what I did have except put a 1 after jet. Bought some homeopathic "medicine" from Dave for my leg and hip and it's doing so much better now. In face I'm thinking about going dancing next week if this keeps up. It will be the first time I've done that in awhile. Will keep you posted. You sound like you are still loving your job and in the groove now with the kids, but then I knew that would happen in a short time. Guess that's it for now. Write if you get a chance I miss hearing from you. Nancy
