Saturday, November 3, 2012


                        Grade 6 Masetoni learners learning North, East, South, and West from their Patrol Leader

For the past 5 months, I have been floundering to get my Scout troop in Pfukoni going. Ever since my training back in April when Scouts came up from Gauteng to train adults on how to run a Scout troop, I have been fondly reminiscing my Scouting days and trying every sneaky way I could to provide similar opportunities for my learners at Pfukoni. So far, very little results. I've never been able to use the patrol system where two or three leader Scouts known as Patrol Leaders receive directions from an adult, the Scouter, and the Scouts run the meeting. Well with 4 Scouts, this isn't an incredibly effective method, but we're still chipping away.

I knew that I didn't have any adult support at my other school of Masetoni, but I figured I would give it a shot two weeks ago. WOOOOOO. Awesomeness. I asked one teacher and he left the learners from Grade 6 skip cleaning to participate in their first Scouts meeting. I taught them the salute, the handshake and the Promise and then we went outside and played a game, did an activity and had a flag break. Guess what? I used the patrol method the whole time. My three girls who led the meeting could have taken better to the role and all the learners were so excited.

So if you every are trapped in a situation where you have 20 or so kids and you have a plan but you don't how to implement it, break them up into three groups. See who the leaders are, tell them your plan, and let them carry it out. It will make your life easier and their life more fulfilled.

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