Friday, April 26, 2013

October 2013 to October 2014

Distance is nothing. I am a firm believer in keeping your spirits high no matter what the situation is. As I look at the last few months in my village and the massive amount of work that is left to do, I'm alright. Though I've decided to extend for a year in South Africa, I will be okay with walking away from the work I've done. Just like the efforts I've undertook in the past and the ones that lie in front of me, I gave it my all and loved every moment for what it was. 

South Africa has not been this mind expanding experience or anything supernatural. It has been fun, relaxing and conducive to productive, healthy work. My thoughts on my career and life path have certainly altered, though. There is a real inner push to explore the question of how to increase the effectiveness of teaching outside of the United States. For me, I'll continue to answer this question for at least another year in South Africa.

Peace Corps South Africa has developed a position with the School of Education at the University of Venda. The faculty in the School of Education has requested assistance with a grant that works with a cluster of secondary schools. I decided to apply for the third year extension position and was fortunate enough to be accepted.

I will be on a university campus, which means more internet and hopefully more, better blog updates. Also, I will be back in the Land of the Free from Thanksgiving 2013 to New Years 2014. Cleveland is where I'll be, but I need to get to Nashville and see my students. I also need to visit Zack and Marion in North Carolina and properly congratulate them on their marriage!!!!! 

May 4th is the big day. Send your congratulations to No need to know who they are, it's a wedding - send your congrats. Zack and Marion did Teach for America with me in Nashville. I knew this was going to happen since their first date at Georgia Tech during Institute. A simple break from the  hellacious workload of lesson planning led to two awesome years in Nashville and a fruitful future. I can't wait to see you two again and wish you congratulations. Though, sorry Marion, I'll have to take Zack from you to go play basketball and eat burritos. Haha!

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