Thursday, October 17, 2013

The University of Venda

I don't know what I was thinking in February 2013 when I decided to extend. I guess I didn't feel like I had explored this area enough. I didn't know enough about development. I really liked eating large amounts of fruit on a daily basis. Not sure what did it, but I agreed to extend for another year at the University of Venda and am pretty pleased with this decision.

I came in not knowing what I would do. There was an assumption that I would work with a group of secondary schools in a rural community. My impatience quickly changed this. I am now developing a program to gain a better understanding of first year students. We are developing an extracurricular program for 60 first year students and will be tracking them throughout their University of Venda career. Hopefully there is more to come.

Not sure where this will lead to. I am sitting in an A/C room and purchased lunch at a grocery store this morning. When I want to take a mental break from work and am not posting blog posts, I am checking my fantasy football team. I am sure in January, when the season is over, I will start job hunting. Yet, I am going to be much more productive in the traditional sense than I was in the village.

I wake up at 5, go workout, get to the office by 8, work til 430, play basketball with the university team, get home around 730, cook, eat, sleep and repeat. Way different than my former life but interesting being normal in an unfamiliar setting.

1 comment:

  1. Sean I have enjoyed living through you vicariously. You have been a remarkable role model and a person of loyal regards through out your journey! I have loved reading and learning through you. I can only pray that Nashville has the opportunity to have YOU within its borders again. You are what GOD was talking about when he said Awesome!
