Friday, August 5, 2011

Glad to be Malome in SA

                                                     (top)  Me making pap with Gogo.  (bottom)  Roro chillin'
                                                         at the table.  I need to get a picture of Mascheba.

                “Malome” is Setswana means “uncle” and that is what I am called at my homestay.  I was jealous of my friends that got names like “Dineo” meaning “gift” because I just thought they were giving me an easy, practical name.  Then I thought about how important it is for Roro and Mascheba to have a Malome.  I have never met their father nor have I heard any word of him.  I met my first male relative this past weekend.  There is no interaction with males in the neighborhood besides peer interaction.  So how does a child in this situation growing up learn how a male acts?  I’m not sure.  In a country plagued with unemployment, alcoholism, children out of wedlock, and many other complex situations, I am proud to be called Malome. 

Note:  I am also very proud to be a Malome in the USA.  My sister would kill me if I did not add this note.  Hi Aiden!

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